Thursday, March 22, 2007

love lies ...

listening to bon jovi is alway full of amazing, each time, the old song recalls me the past, but it'll help me to see through to future, to think about myself. sometimes, times are tough, but still full of memories, man are build in series of memories. when i feel lost, when i am sad, when i think defeated ... heavy metal helps me to fight against those frustrations... it was a mircale, since there do have music in my life.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

cross road

sometimes, alone is not that bad, music can ease the pain. for that long period, fight for love tired me heavily. maybe i should take a rest for a while. bon jovi's songs still sounds that good to me ^ ^. it's about time to win my guitar back again ...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

come some music ...

this morning, wake up in vain... need some heavy metal to inspire myself. Guns'n roses is a bit light, but to me, it's enough now ^ ^. Listening to the November Rain, recalls me lots of memories, about those old times. Well, to be flank, I'm getting old. But man was born to death, a man is not old until regrets take place of dreams.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

love fool

Some times, love is tough... maybe you're too good to me. We both know heart can change, take my wishes.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

sooner or later ...

need a day off to prepare for the final exam and papers, that way I am now have the time to write down this. Changes always happened, but it's why we always got the chance.

Monday, January 09, 2006

this one is none of the report's biz...

Sometimes we work that hard to chase for something, or maybe we wish ourselve will be somebody on someday, but the truth is that time wait for no man, and indeed man wait for no man too. Better to make sure that you are happy now, cause none can count what will be happened at the very next second. I want to say that since we're still alive, make a better living, espacially to someone who loves you or who you care about.

this is the very important post ... the 15th ~"~

I am here to thank my parents, my friends, and all the people who love me and take care about me, this time I want to tell you I do love you guys!

what is the number ~"~?

oops... it's difficult to count it out how many be posted ... maybe i need to call out another window to calculate ~"~

yayaya !! rainy day's waterfull ...

rock 'n roll never die !!
sometimes you are in bad motion, but keep on listening to the music, it'll ease your pain, like the poets need the pain, like the seasons need the change...

sometimes ... we need to keep the faith ... no matter what the hell is ~"~

maybe i'd to take this course agian on the very next year... but since still got something to be done... just do it XD

argh.... it's too late to find out it need be aleast 2 per week = =

this story tells us ... better than never ... but if you join the game ... you must obey the rule ... since time is tough and the teacher is crule ...

hmm... since then... i'd make up my mind ...

something must be done today ... so ... here is the 10th = =

wow.. it's 01092006 ...

since Mr. Riki said... atleast 15 articles before 01122006 ... or die in vain ... so... i need to paste atleast 3 per day XD ... but anyway, this the way to approach the blog master XD ~"~

oops... the first day of the final exam ...

for so many years... almost about 10, i haven't been in the final exam... this goo exhusting...
but i should see things on bright side... this means this semester is almost done... sounds better = =

Thursday, January 05, 2006

use a simple cgi to add the friends link ...

it's no way to add the links one by one... since i'm an engineer ... make it easier and worked is my interest...

time is tough, the world is crule ...

What if we can stop the time, even just for few mini seconds, many thing may be changed... but in fact that it is impossilbe. However, the only fair thing in the wild world is everyone got his onw 24 hours per day, none can have even one more second. So, the only way to get a better life is : Stay hungry, stay foolish, and keep learning. Thus, maybe someday when some thing happened, you'll be one of the suvivours.
Every one worked hard in this class, it's quite difficult to choose the top 5 and best 20s.
It's funny that ... the one who's developing a blog system has the least content in his blog ... XD